Tuesday 27 November 2012

Artist Research Assignment II

Saw Quan Nen
Subject: Mary Oestereicher Hamill

        Mary Oestereicher Hamill. A senior research scientist in the New York Mental Health System, tenured Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Brooklyn College, and Associate Professor of Psychology and Dean Undergraduate Studies at Babson College. She did not stop there and went a step beyond her career of education reform and take a Diploma from Museum School. Her works of photographing and recording of homeless people across New York and her installation art of featuring Chinese vendor and street market in China and New York Chinatown named ‘regardregard’ Project received good reception and won awards.
        Although as medical scholar, she did produced some artwork of bones and body structures but most of her works lies on the spiritual and mentality by showing various faces of old folks still in vendor even in armchair and smiles of homeless despite their circumstance. She also intended to raise awareness in Cambodia and Vietnam about their dilapidated medical service and system by her video “Tangible Measures”.
        Her works strive on the forgotten or the people that were left behind by the sweeping thrive of conglomerates and professionalism.  She intend to show us, the elites of management and skills from cities the faces we forgot or cast away to remind them these people work as hard as we are just to win a bread or irk a living. Awareness does not mean charity. It only shows you what you did not know of and rekindles the spark that what holds you when you were young. You only need to know and remember as there is nothing more you can help them except a donation of generosity and compassion and a fair treatment as one of the members of society.
        Of the most, Madam Oestereicher wish us to show the determination and happiness of these people able to salvage and cherish even though what they own is little but it is content and hold a dear value to them.

More Info: http://www.maryhamill.com/

Improvished Assignment 1 Finalised

Monday 19 November 2012

Assignment 1 Portrait Photography

Assignment 1 Portrait Photography Reference

Refer to some works of expert portrait or commercial photographers and take some of my own. Target audience from 16 to 25 and above especially for photographers.


Assignment 1 Butterfly screen

Assignment 1 Butterfly

Refer to some samples then draw the desired positioning of the butterfly and base on the reference draw another butterfly in PC. Target audience 7 to 16 years old.


Trimester II is NOW... with Assignment 1

For this assignment, the conceptual screen design is largely base on our interactive application menu. Due to the experience of being a user of these applications, my thought is that the menu have to be simple yet clear and fresh enough to catch eyeballs. The navigation and interactivity has to be as simple as possible for users to manage instantly.

For my two subject, I chose butterfly and portrait photography. Following is some reference for the menu screen.