Wednesday 26 June 2013

A Summary of Subject and its Reason

After a brief discussion with Mr Badrolhisham, I decided to make a non-electronic media presentation which  can be called a small installation diagram with interactivity for audience. The subject will be Air Pollution Index and the area of data collection will focus on Selangor. I decided to use dust masks (primary option) while PVC-made asthma inhalers still an appealing option as the main highlight. The background design will be focus on recent haze incident in Malaysia.

The reason of the choice  is due to the Indonesian forest burning activities which has effect South-east Asia particularly on Singapore and the south part of Peninsula of Malaysia. Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka suffered the worse while KL, Selangor and Pahang are in tight spot. The 'misty-brown' covering also made its way to Cyberjaya, Selangor which is where I am staying to pursue my multimedia experience in Multimedia University. With the figure of API 160+- (prompt more or less), the air around MMU is hard to breathe for somebody who is sensitive. I am a little bit sensitive so mostly I stay in my rented room and hope for a clean cool wind which come at 26 June when rain with its strong wind temporarily blown the thick haze away. At last, clean air for a first time in almost a week time. But the haze will or might be back tomorrow as environmental scientists stated that the thick coating of dust and smoke might stay until August if the situation goes on. My subject will be a reminder for us that even clean, soothing and fresh oxygen is a bless even though it is considered a common privilege for many of us including me, myself.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Research and Statistical Data

Did a bit of studying, the definition of research based on Google is

"The systematic investigation into and study of 

materials and sources in order to establish facts and 

reach new conclusions"

Literally, it means study and investigate about a topic in terms of our limited knowledge and data and with finding the source where the topic come to and study it.

For statistical data, it is more or least means the raw collection of materials of surveys and experiments, usually in quantities (numbering) which is been organised, analysed, interpreted and presented in table, graph, chart or pictorial presentation.

Know that this terms has been made know to me, the collection and studying for the subject should be more streamline with understanding of the process I need to go through. 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Statistical Data Hunting

Now we are dealing with real published and proved research, surveys and reports. First, we need to find some samples for a subject.

Second Year New Challenge

Hello, dear blog which been a good friend and presenter since my first year in MMU, it is been a while since I come to update you. My apology as I am a selfish who will only talk to someone I meet regularly and you are not on the list. Well, anyway since that the second year has come and with it a new challenge as we shifted our focus of studies from expression to aesthetic information design. Now we are design something for the purpose of public audience, no longer walling in the circle of peers and lecturers. All right, I will get start. Get set, ready. BANG!! GOOOO!!!